Previously, I was spending most of my attention on the Uncharted Worlds projects that I've been working on. The random character generator and the “Character Creator” in particular were focuses. I was also spending time thinking about the next two projects in that vein, especially the star system generator.
However, that's changed. With my renewed interest in Silver Gryphon Games and its wellbeing as a company, I've shifted my focus almost entirely from coding projects for other peoples' games to writing and business projects for my own company.
This is probably too long in coming.
I've moved away from the “eh, Kevin will deal with it” mindset and towards a “if I don't do it, it won't happen” mindset. This is not to say I don't delegate some things (my fiancée Sarah is a wonderful editor). However, the health of the company is in jeopardy unless I step in and take the helm.
Here are some specific actions I've taken or plan on taking to bring SGG back on track:
- Get atomic units of work onto our Trello kanban board
- Reignite efforts to have frequent, meaningful updates on our blog
- Review DriveThruRPG sales figures to plan marketing promotions and product schedules
- Get all of our files into one central place so everyone in the company has access to them
- Review the legal documents for the company to refresh my memory of the structure and obligations
- Review the company's financials to see if a cash injection is needed
- Plan out product schedules for the next 18 months
- Look at better, less generic WordPress themes for the SGG website
The above is not an exhaustive list, but it's a start.